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Tout ce qui a été posté par KS69
Sure...Did really someone believe that KS or GW has two different production lines? :-) Which is btw the same with GW ... Tesla 1020wh->Ali 1300Dollar(1100Euro)...here 2300Dollar(1949 Euro)...
Did you get a "CoC" when you buy on in France? I guess not...it just Looks like so....the only Thing you get for KS/GW (afaik) are "CE" Certificates...This have written above "Certificate of Conformity"...but down under there is just "CE" in very Big letters (and btw this letters are not with Serial-numbers, so you can copy them) What do you want to see from inside? Some photos i have! Thicker Axle than 18A:
Oh, Yes i can comment on this one!!! The only difference in this 2 wheels are the sidepads!!! ALL Kingsong sold in China go under "KSwheels"...all Export Kingsongs go under "Kingsong".... Thats a "nice Story" of your Importeur...but nonsense...i or better ALL the "KSwheels" have the exact same cell type than the Export Versions....this is just grimms Story to make sure that we stupid european pay 2-3 times more than the wheel costs in China. So this "Kswheel" and "Kingsong" is just a part of KS "Price politics".... Recently all KS wheel on aliexpress are gone, and the 2-4 sellers on aliexpress had got pressure not to sell anymore to KS "exclusiv" Country(KS France, Germany), this was -afaik- especially whining from KS in europe. I am not saying you can not get a KS on ali anymore! ;-) You want a Price example: My 18S 1680wh on ali cost me 1500Dollar(including all Transport, custom and profit of ali-seller)...in France i would pay 2700Dollar...ridiculous!...at least my 2 Cents to this. To your USB port question: Nope, there is None....but at least they now have a much better Charge port plug on the newer KS18's...much more stable. Btw: Here is my modified 18S: black and Grey :-)
The IOS Version of the "New Kingsong App" is not available yet.... To install 1.05 Version for KS14d/s you have to install the beta android Version of the new Kingsong app...only on the New App you are able to upgrade to 1.05! One Major improvement on the new app: If you fail your upgrade to a new Firmware(because of disconnect BT or so)....you can just do the upgrade again on the New App! (No Need to go to Seller anymore, no bricked wheel) Just to clarify: the latest version is 1.31 (go to "Me" -> "More" -> "About" and you see the version number). The app can be also upgraded from inside via "Me" -> "More" -> "Version update". http://www.kswheel.cn/list-28.html
Bonjour Techos78 :-) Yes, i have tried a Android Smartwatch, i guess it was a "No1 D6", which i bought on gearbest for about 60 Euro 4 months ago. I installed the app "wheellog" and everything on the Display was quite nice, but not perfect...some parts of what wheellog Shows were missing. But in the end i was able to see the Speed, temperature and battery, and thats why i wanted this watch! But now the bummer: on MY watch, i got such a bad Connection that this complete usage was totally useless and Nonsens! I had Problems all 5-10 seconds and lost Bluetooth Signal from my wheels -KS18 and GW V3- at the time. Everytime i lost the Signal, you have to tap on the small watch to "reconnect" again...sometimes it works, sometimes not! I have the suspicion, that this was because of the watch i have, the "no1 d6"...because on Facebook i meet another guy with a KW88 watch, who was quite happy and did not have such Connection Problems! So if you think about buying a smart watch: Choose one which has good antennas...mostly the anntenas are not in the watch itself, they are in the armbands! The clock you have here, the "DM98"...i also thought about this watch because of the nice Display...but Attention: This watch is only android 4.4...not android 5.1 as most other watches! I dont know if wheellog is able on 4.4? Also when choosing a watch, it must have at least Bluetooth Version 4.0! I have given up the smart watch idea at the Moment and have my (not so big) iphone 5SE attached on my wristprotector...that works better and is also better for my (old and bad) eyes :-)
They at least seam to learn... On all "S" Versions and on 14d (which is a small Batterie "S" Version)..the axles have been done wider/thicker. Désolé pour l'affichage en anglais .... Quand j'utiliserais un service de traduction, je n'aurais aucune idée de ce qui était écrit ici. Je l'ai juste fait en anglais :-)
This is a fault only in the Firmware 1.25! It will Forget the last mileage if the BT Connection is gone/off before the wheel is powered OFF. Do it in the correct order...first power off wheel...then quit the BT app...then the mileage is saved. I dont know if that is in android, too...but at least this fault happens alltime on Iphone IOS. And btw: 16A-Only Prototype Version (different Firmware than 16B) 16B-Long time seller with rubber pedal (Pedal Version 1 which can break and Pedal Version 2 with better material) 16C-Newer Version with pedal plastic plus skate tape(Pedal Version 3) Désolé pour l'affichage en anglais .... Quand j'utiliserais un service de traduction, je n'aurais aucune idée de ce qui était écrit ici. Je l'ai juste fait en anglais
Like said, i don thave exact wh/km numbers.. But i have to say that i never reach 11-12wh/km on my old 18A! Thats because i was over 100kg when owning the 18A :-( (now i am back to 84kg!) So from Feeling it seams to me, that the 18S is much better in consumption than my 18A...but i have to admit that partly that also can come from me loosing weigth :-)
Exactly what i also have recognized!!! A slight Vibration when Standing still with electronic Sound.... But as said, nothing disturbing....you just feel the immense electric Power and the Motor vibrating as it is ready to go :-) In comparing to my old KS18A 1360wh i have the Impression that the autonomy/range has even become much better! I dont have exact numbers, but it just seams to have better handling of Batterie and i see also less voltdrop then on 18A. Phillipe stated a usage of wh/km of 12-16wh/km on 18S...depending on Speed. I must say that numbers i would have in mind also! Again: Sorry for writing in english
https://de.aliexpress.com/item/Rockwheel-GT16-powered-unicycle-global-booking-84-v-voltage-858-wh-speed-surprise-Electric-bicycle-mini/32772917120.html?spm=a2g0x.search0104.3.3.My1G5p&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_2_10152_10065_10151_10068_10193_10194_10304_10307_10137_10060_10302_10155_10154_5370011_10056_10055_10054_10059_100031_10099_10103_10102_10101_10052_10053_10142_10107_10050_10051_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10177_10110_10111_10112_10113_10114_10180_10310_10312_10184_10078_10079_10073_10186,searchweb201603_5,ppcSwitch_5&btsid=467b3640-19ab-43e6-a794-c58fa2fcd118&algo_expid=36407ea1-9ca2-40ca-90dc-fa3f96334232-0&algo_pvid=36407ea1-9ca2-40ca-90dc-fa3f96334232 I can also confirm that Rockwheel Store is Top notch...i bought 3 wheels there! The owner Yi Chen made as good Service as this is possible from China to europe!
It is different for 18A and 18S.. On my 18S it is 18S6B...for my 1680wh Version... i suspect: 680 2B 840 3B 1360 4B 1680 6B But that's just guessing...dont know for sure, to new :-) For the 18A it was a mix of "+" or "++" and A, AZ or AY for the Batterie size and for the MotorVersion. At least my Apple IOS KS app is not "ready" for the 18S... as it only Shows 60km Autonomie :-) Phillipe has also stated that he was only able to set it to 50kmh (after 1000km) on the Android app, but not on the Iphone. Desperatly waiting for the promised new app!
I can give a Little hint on that question: The Batterie size is "hiden" in the Serial number ...as an example For 14D/S: SN ..14D1...340wh SN.. 14D2..420wh SN..14D3...680wh SN..14D4..840wh In the "Special app" -as far as i know- you CAN set/initiate a serialnumber...but i dont know if you just can Change parts of the SN. Whatever: These arguments by KS France? Pffffhh :-)
As i am also 18S 1680wh owner....that's a Little app bug! The app seams not to recognize 1680wh Version and Displays a mileage which i would say is only accurat for 840wh Version. I have done about 70km and had 40% Batterie left (85kg weight, no big hills)
thats what i wanted to say :-) ...but unfortunatly my english also is just simple school english (from 30 years ago) Yes, i am...And Thanks for the welcome! I was visiting here from time to time, just wasn't signing in until now.... Very nice communtiy in France! i wish we had such an amount of wheelers here in Germany! I had an KS18A 1200Watt 1360wh (not the AY Version) before and now own the KS18S 1680wh. I am very, very pleased with the Autonomie and was very surprised that the consumption of energy got a lot better on the 18S...even if the Motor is much more powerfull and more reactive than 18A. I don't have any exact numbers...(philippe stated 12 to 16wh per 1 km) and also have to say that my main crusing Speed is 25 to 33kmh and only once in a while faster....but in General it is just better than on my 18A. I also have observed that the voltage drop on the Batterie, when drawing lot of power on the 18S is a lot less than on the 18A. So the "real paralleling" of Batterie packs seams to works better in Terms of Batterie stress (And less voltdrop also means less consumption!)
Ok pardon me than.... I am not sure about the actual Firmware Version of KS16S. Sorry! It is just that i see a nearly exact behaviour like this before, on a KS18S...when going over 30kmh...it gets really hard shaking and wobbling. And there the fault was exactly that they installed a wrong Firmware on the board( made a mistake on production line), and this leads to this behaviour! After de-installing the wrong Firmware and installing the correct Firmware 1.01 for 18S the fault was completly away. (18S which btw also has NO "hello Kingsong" anymore :-) ) So i suspect this fault here also.....but i can be completly wrong :-) The "Special" app is a chinese app for the Kingsong "engineers" which enables to set serialnumbers, install firmware and other things etc etc.... Kingsong has even given this app to some oversee customers with Problems like that. You also got a english description then for your Special Problem, becasuse as this app is in chinese skripting it is without using description useless for europeans :-)
Je possède aussi un KS18S! La qualité est superbe. Les fils du moteur sont 3 fois et 2,5 mm à partir d'un brin, d'un fil, comme un courant de 220V. La carte mère est complètement nouvelle, avec un dissipateur thermique très gras. Désolé, Google translate .... malheureusement, je ne parle que l'anglais
From what i know: Ks16s only has version 1.00 or 1.01(never got an update...is still on first firmware) Version 1.02 shows to accidentally installed Ks14d firmware! Wrong firmware also happend to Phillipe Chiu on his 18S! he also (at first) had wrong firmware installed and experieenced heavy shaking at 30kmh! this can be corrected by android "special" Ks app...where you can install/overwrite correct firmware!
Sorry..i can only speak english.. You have the wrong firmware installed! KingSong done a mistake on the production line....have seen that on another wheel...violently shaking over 30kmh! Needs installment of correct firmware...