Sorry about me not speak french, but it seems to be the most advanced forum on planet earth about speedway 4. I just have purchased an upgraded speedway 4 52v 30.5Ah from aliexpress. I would like to use it for daily commute (2x20km). I'd like to achieve at ~ 38kmh travevel speed average at least. What should I expect? What do I have to pay attention to? Any mods that I must do upfront for safe reliable long term operation? I'm not a mechanic at all, do not have serious welding or DIY equipment. I would also make it a bit more waterproof to use it in rain if have to.
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Minimotors-Speedway-4-PLUS-Electric-Scooter-talent-design-52V-30-5A-E-Scooter/32825790689.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0. LA4gAl
Thanks for your help!