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  1. Did you change the original Disc .. ??? or you just leave the original on .. ??
  2. Did you change the original Disc .. ??? or you just leave the original on .. ??
  3. Boxer

    Dualtron Thunder

    Hello: Anybody know if the dualtron ULTRA magura brake installation is the same for the THUNDER ... ?? do you need a special DISC OR ROTOR break spacer for this thunder OR is it the same DISC SPACER / ADAPTER people are using for the ultra .. ?? please who could share a light about this .... !! and validate if this install disc (rotor) is the same as in the ultra dualtron .. ?? I would like to change the brakes in my thunder for the maguras.
  4. Boxer

    Dualtron Thunder

    It does not show anything if the spacers used in the disc for the ultra is different or the same for the thunder. is really different the thunder in this regard of disc brake installation ??? please if you guys share lights on this please it would be really appreciated !! ...
  5. Boxer

    Dualtron Thunder

    Hello: Anybody know if the dualtron ULTRA magura brake installation is the same for the THUNDER ... ?? do you need a special break spacer or is it the same as the one used for the ultra .. ?? please who could share a light about this .... !! I would like to change the brakes in my thunder for the maguras.
  6. Hello: Anybody know if the dualtron ULTRA magura brake installation is the same for the THUNDER ... ?? do you need a special DISC OR ROTOR break spacer for this thunder OR is it the same DISC SPACER / ADAPTER people are using for the ultra .. ?? please who could share a light about this .... !! and validate if this install disc (rotor) is the same as in the ultra dualtron .. ?? I would like to change the brakes in my thunder for the maguras.
  7. Hello: Anybody know if the dualtron ULTRA magura brake installation is the same for the THUNDER ... ?? do you need a special break spacer or is it the same as the one used for the ultra .. ?? please who could share a light about this .... !! I would like to change the brakes in my thunder for the maguras.
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