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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cormo
Soit tu es électronicien et tu as une chance (minime) de trouver comment fonctionne le chargeur et éventuellement (mais ce n'est pas gagné d'avance) de trouver ce qui déconne, soit tu ne l'es pas et ce n'est même pas la peine d'essayer.
Well it seems that I have less erractic haptic alarms than before. Only 2 during my 12km home-trip. It is not easy to make a screen capture when it occurs, but with the wheel idle, when I take the watch far enough to be at the limit of connecting distance, I get a display which I think is the same as the one when I'm riding and the alarm triggers. In this case the watch does not vibrate. By the way, in my understanding, "TOP" is the maximal speed recorded, but 92km/h seems an odd value, I certainly never rode that fast ! Is there a possibility to reset it ? I have now access to a haptis config menu, not available before. I think that default value is all of them disabled as they appear grey. I tried to enter the Battery adjustment, default value was 25. This I expect to trigger an alarm whenever the battery level drops below 25%. Trying to change this value it incremented to 26, and I could not imagine how I could then decrease this value so I stopped there, fearing that if continuing I could end by reaching an alarm level of 100% with no possibility to return. I did not try anything else for the moment.
@enaon, Great ! You pointed out where the problem was. Now I managed to update to the latest version. The touchscreen seems to be more efficient and I notice several differences in the different displays. First test on the road in a few minutes on my way back home as I am at work (supposed to be working 😊) just now. Thanks for your efficient support !
Do you mean this icon in the middle of the second line ? It does not look blue on the picture because the camera used the flash, but actually it is. And Restart using this menu ? When I press it, screen turn black for less than 0,5 sec, the watch vibrates twice and tdisplay turns immediately to date and time. I wonder if the Reset is effective because it happens so fast.
I cannot figure how to do the upgrade to the P8-testing version. The watch is not detected any more by the BT of my phone. I tried to restart the watch but nothing better. For the moment I will stop using the watch until I retrieve my KS S18, because the inconsistancy of the Tesla's BT communication causes too much undued haptic alarms, making the ride somewhat uncomfortable. As well as a random behavior of the front light.
Hello @enaon, unfortunately it doesn't. Hoping it can help, here is what I observe : Pressing the "LIGHT ON" button on the watch turns it to "FLASHING" and no further action is possible, it remains stucked on FLASHING. After some unrecorded manipulations I managed to have the button operate again, and to turn it to "LIGHT OFF", but as soon as the bluetooth connexion is lost / recovered, it turns back to "ON" again. Also, after turning accidentaly the display in mph, I struggled to put it back in kph : it seems that the touchscreen is sometimes totally inoperative concerning the action on buttons, while the sweep control to toggle between menus remains active. Maybe it is a hardware problem of the watch and has no concern with the application.
Yes, it is on a Tesla-V2. I hope I will soon retrieve my KS from repair and also run EUC Watch with it.
I have also experienced unexpected alarms, even while riding slowly on a flat road. When it happens, the watch displays strange values such as voltage = 100V, so my guess is that sometimes the data stream between the wheel and the watch has been more or less corrupted in a way the watch receives a kind of random data that can sometimes trigger the alarms. Another clue in this way is that after it occurs the front light of the wheel changes status ie was OFF and I find it either ON or Flashing. I think this could indicate that the bluetooth connection has been temporarily lost / recovered.
Unfortunately I can't tell you. I just followed the procedure found on the previous pages of this topic, and downloaded all the files from the same gitub webpage.
I don't understand why this feature ? Honestly, I thought it was a bug... In my opinion it's somewhat annoying to have to switch off the light each time. On the Tesla it seems that it also modifies the led sheme. Not that it really matters, but it looks like some kind of unexpected "border effect" (free translation for "effet de bord" in french)
Here is the watch I have ordered and received (very fast delivery) https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/4000766120782.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.3da26c37J8TIzH Looks good, and the strap is long enough so I can put it on top of my wrist protection. Installing EUC Watch was an easy job. Only step1 failed at first, but succeeded on second attempt. The everything worked as discribed. Connection with my Tesla V2 is OK Today it was the first road-test, on a trip of around 60 km. It took me a while to understand how the IHM operates, but becoming more familiar with it, it's very easy to handle. And using it is just "GREAT" ! ! ! Of course it is not perfect, some features could be improved, but at least speed and battery voltage are available pemanently, this is all I expected. Many thanks @enaon you made a wonderful job ! 🙂
La manip indiquée par @King Size est la bonne pour déterminer lequel des 2 packs est défectueux. Ensuite, si on n'y connait pas grand chose en électricité/électronique/batteries Li-Ion, il faut passer la main a "quelqu'un qui sait" car les dangers encourus en intervenant sur ces batteries sont loin d'être anodins.
Pour le reste ok, mais là non. Le sifflement est dû à la fréquence de découpage du courant alimentant le moteur, rien à voir avec la vitesse de calcul du processeur. Il est possible que cette fréquence ne soit pas la même suivant le mode actif, bien que je ne voie pas trop quelle en serait la raison.
Inmotion Kingsong même combat... Il me semble que c'est plutôt à la Répression des Fraudes qu'il faudrait s'adresser, Mais c'est beaucoup d'ennuis pour peu de bénéfices, et c'est bien là-dessus qu'ils comptent. Comme personne ne porte jamais plainte ils peuvent continuer à ne pas appliquer les garanties en toute impunité.
Ils ne réparent pas non plus celles qui sont achetées chez eux. Ils se contentent de pousser les cartons...
Oui, le ventilo se met en marche pratiquement tout le temps. Moi aussi ça m'a interpellé, je me suis fait une raison... Concernant tes démêlées avec le commerçant, je ne suis pas surpris de l'issue.
@Corethan crois moi tu ne regretteras pas ton achat. Il me tarde de récupérer la mienne. Hélas ça risque de durer encore un peu, je crains fort qu'un passage devant les tribunaux se profile à l'horizon...
Les batteries Inmotion sortent 0 volts sur le gros connecteur lorsque la roue n'est pas en marche. La CM reste partiellement alimentée par un autre connecteur qui comporte une dizaine de fils.
Elle semble fort désirable... D'ici peu il devrait y avoir pas mal de S18 et de V11 sur le marché de l'occasion.
Moi je me rappelle plus...
[Complet] Rando à l'ouest dimanche 15/08 après midi
Cormo a répondu à un(e) sujet de Cormo dans Sorties et Randos
La vache, ça valait la peine d'attendre, c'est de la vidéo de Pro ! Tout est parfait, depuis la prise de vue jusqu'au montage. Grand merci @Enah pets, tu reviens quand tu veux ! Euh @fr4bd, les autres j'ai pas fait trop attention, mais perso je n'ai (hélas) qu'une paire d'yeux... -
De mon expérience non. Perso l'affaire traîne depuis plusieurs mois. Garantie vs accident, fournisseur vs assurance personne ne veut payer la réparation. (moi non plus...)
J'ai le même soucis sur ma S18. Je pense que le seul fait de regarder le niveau de la batterie sur l'appli alors que tu roules devrait suffire à te dissuader de rouler comme ça.
I'm just discovering this topic, and have read it from the beginning. Obviously @enaon made a tremendous job ! I hate having to use a smartphone when riding, but I consider that informations such as speed and battery level are essential, so I will soon order a P8 watch. As @Techos78 wrote before, even if it doesnt work it is a limited investment. And it seems that everybody who try succeeds so why should it be different for me ? I'll keep you informed here.