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Bonjour! From Spain to Côte d'Azur for a week.

Armando D. Hernández

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Je m‘apelle Armando, je suis 27. Je suis cinéaste qui vient à Cannes la semaine prochaine.


That‘s about all I can do with french at the moment. I speak spanish and english natively and would love to learn some more. I come to this forum cause I‘m a EUC Rider living in Madrid, and I‘m coming to Le Cannet from next Sunday the 22nd to the 29th, staying in a camping. I have some dates in which I‘ll have to go to the festival activities, but I‘d love to meet some of the community around the area and maybe do some routes! I will bring a Tesla v2 1020wh, so about 60km range.


Nice to meet any and all of you. Cheers!

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I'm fairly confident quite a few users should speak English. In any case, G-Translate works both ways.

My broke ass couldn't afford a wheel, so far. But should you be interested in sightseeing and/or good food, we could meet, if you like. Any occasion to entertain my Spanish -which has grown rather rusty over the years- is certainly welcome.

I'll DM you my phone#. Take care and enjoy Cannes, if you can. I know I never could.

PS : As for the fancy "Black waters" of river Euphrates mentioned in your previous post, I would bet my shirt on Karasu actually translating to : 烏 (crow/raven), and referencing some random Naruto character.

Modifié par Sardanapale
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  • 2 semaines après...
Le 17/05/2022 à 15:42, Armando D. Hernández a dit :

Je m‘apelle Armando, je suis 27. Je suis cinéaste qui vient à Cannes la semaine prochaine.


That‘s about all I can do with french at the moment. I speak spanish and english natively and would love to learn some more. I come to this forum cause I‘m a EUC Rider living in Madrid, and I‘m coming to Le Cannet from next Sunday the 22nd to the 29th, staying in a camping. I have some dates in which I‘ll have to go to the festival activities, but I‘d love to meet some of the community around the area and maybe do some routes! I will bring a Tesla v2 1020wh, so about 60km range.


Nice to meet any and all of you. Cheers!

Hi :) 

I am in the area, unfortunately I do not have a wheel yet. Hope to see you next time, no problem!

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