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Eh! Tu triches là! :P Prends nous des photos de l'intérieur des connecteurs en question, please 9_9

Il faut ouvrir les connecteurs pour voir si les pins se touchent bien à l'intérieur, si un/plusieurs d'eux sont abimés/cassés, s'il y en a qui sont oxydés, etc.

(Plus d'infos tu nous donnes, plus ce sera facile aux membres de contribuer à ton débuggage !)


Modifié par Trotti Phil
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Dear Nicolas
please check the line between the controller and LCD, they are under the deck.
Measure the voltage of the green wire ,remember the number(Assume that the value is A).Usually the value is between 0.75-0.85
unplug it,and then Remove the green line(refer to the picture),and plug it back and then test the value.see what side it the same value. If the value connected to the controller side is A, that is the controller problem. If the value connected to the LCD side is A,then it is LCD problem.
Have a nice day


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  • 2 semaines après...

Dear Nicolas
we have made a video,but before you see the video ,please read this words:
First turn on LCD and open your deck ,and find the connection of controller and LCD,then test The black and green lines(Green line and black line should be tested at the same time) which are from controller(refer to picture 1 ).and see if the voltage  is between 0.75~0.85V.If no , there must be something wrong,Maybe the LCD,maybe the LCD lines .
Next , turn off LCD and unplug the connection (picture 2) of controller and LCD ,and Remove the green line. turn on LCD and then test the black and green lines' voltage,see if the voltage Greater than 0.95,if it is, the controller have problem.
here is the video link(Pay attention to The part of the text appears):
If possible , please send us the pictures and remark The photo shows which part of the voltage.
Nice day
Michelle,,,,,,   bas je vais essayer de faire comme la vidéo, mai bon ça va être difficile 

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