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Perfect, you know, you have received my messages :)

Sorry I switch for the french people ;)

pour les autres oui oui je confirme tout se passe super bien avec ma Kaboo

il est vrai qu'en DT1 je doublais plutôt des petits scooters, ou voitures sans permis.

c'est vrai que doubler des vraies voiture et tenir une Renault Zoé qui fini par se décaler sur la droite pour laisser passer ça a du bon

(merci de pas me parler de règlementations ou autre car avec le permis moto je ne me sens pas en danger ni un danger) :)

Modifié par Lolo13
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Hello Bruce!

I am very interested in the Zero 8X model and I saw that it was presented on the Sparklewheel website. Is it a copy or the original? Is it already available and what would be the all inclusive price for France with shipping and customs fees (with 18,2 Ah LG Battery) ? Are the #superseptember conditions valid for France? (50% discount on customs fees and shipping in September)

Thank you !

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Il y a 6 heures, ac/dc a dit :

Hello Bruce!

I am very interested in the Zero 8X model and I saw that it was presented on the Sparklewheel website. Is it a copy or the original? Is it already available and what would be the all inclusive price for France with shipping and customs fees (with 18,2 Ah LG Battery) ? Are the #superseptember conditions valid for France? (50% discount on customs fees and shipping in September)

Thank you !

Hello Bruce,

I too will be interested in this model

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6 hours ago, ac/dc said:

Hello Bruce!

I am very interested in the Zero 8X model and I saw that it was presented on the Sparklewheel website. Is it a copy or the original? Is it already available and what would be the all inclusive price for France with shipping and customs fees (with 18,2 Ah LG Battery) ? Are the #superseptember conditions valid for France? (50% discount on customs fees and shipping in September)

Thank you !


Yes, that is the model that I am selling on Alibaba and it is original Zero 8X.

The price for 18.2Ah version is USD930 total with shipping and taxes to your door in France by UPS.

I am not sure about the Superseptember on alibaba, but I think the discount on it is true.


  • J'aime 1
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8 minutes ago, S3RG3I said:

Hello Bruce,

I too will be interested in this model

OK, that's the model I am selling.

You can check every detail or place the order via this link.


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Il y a 10 heures, Bruce Fu a dit :



Yes, that is the model that I am selling on Alibaba and it is original Zero 8X.

The price for 18.2Ah version is USD930 total with shipping and taxes to your door in France by UPS.

I am not sure about the Superseptember on alibaba, but I think the discount on it is true.


hello Bruce Fu 

thank you for this information, I buy you 1 scooter x8 the month of December ?

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7 hours ago, helyxir said:

De ce que j'ai lu jusqu'à présent, elle est encore en cours de développement.

Risque d'être béta testeurs ?

It is already finished, you don't have to worry about that. We provide warranty for every scooter I am selling.

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