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Mercane MX60, 11", 2400W


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I am willing to buy a model from for around 1500USD including shipping to Romania. I'm not sure about the material used. Is it aluminum 6060 or other series or is it steel? Why does it rust. I am buying the scooter to convert carbon fiber material with replacement parts CNC milled. I know I can buy a chinese 50 + mph that has a battery of 35Ah with 3200W dual motors but I like the design and I wanna change it to be lighter and maybe in the future I can replace the 8inch 1200W with 1600W motors and have a 50Ah 21700 cell type battery (16S10P) inside to reach up to 250km range.Also I'm asking, is there someone that sells the MX60 at a lower price than 1500USD with shipping included to Romania?. Waiting for answer or opinions.


50Ah-60V-21700 cells-custom battery pack.jpg

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il y a 4 minutes, SMC a dit :

I am willing to buy a model from for around 1500USD including shipping to Romania. I'm not sure about the material used. Is it aluminum 6060 or other series or is it steel? Why does it rust. I am buying the scooter to convert carbon fiber material with replacement parts CNC milled. I know I can buy a chinese 50 + mph that has a battery of 35Ah with 3200W dual motors but I like the design and I wanna change it to be lighter and maybe in the future I can replace the 8inch 1200W with 1600W motors and have a 50Ah 21700 cell type battery (16S10P) inside to reach up to 250km range.Also I'm asking, is there someone that sells the MX60 at a lower price than 1500USD with shipping included to Romania?. Waiting for answer or opinions.

Great project, please follow-up when you'll do it ! Looking forward to see the result ?

I also like very much this design looking like an inner structure of something deconstructed.

Do you plan to use Samsung INR21700-50E as 21700 batteries ? Did you already tried them ? I'm looking to use them for a DIY external battery as well.

Not sure for 250km range with 50Ah, I would say more around 150km when used around 50km/h with dual motors on flat roads. (And even less at full speed, 100km around 65km/h with hills).

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I have estimated that motors would be: 12kg, 7kg battery, and around 10kg the chassis and components. I have calculated a rought weigth of 3kg for the frame made from carbon fiber or E glass fiber. Yes the Samsung INR21700-50E but for the first concept I will be using the Panasonic 18650 3.5Ah cells. I want to at least pass the 100km range. Does the scooter have 1 motor to 2 motor switch button?. I didn't see any spec. By using one motor the range on flat surfaces would be greater.

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I really don't care that this scooter does not reach 100Km/h like others because I want to be light and have range. Don't wanna charge it every couple of days. Who has the scooter?. I want to have some pictures of it that i'm interested also about the thickness of the plates. PS me.

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il y a 40 minutes, SMC a dit :

I have estimated that motors would be: 12kg, 7kg battery, and around 10kg the chassis and components. I have calculated a rought weigth of 3kg for the frame made from carbon fiber or E glass fiber. Yes the Samsung INR21700-50E but for the first concept I will be using the Panasonic 18650 3.5Ah cells. I want to at least pass the 100km range. Does the scooter have 1 motor to 2 motor switch button?. I didn't see any spec. By using one motor the range on flat surfaces would be greater.

Yes, I think you can easily acheive 100Km range depending of the speed and number of motors used (when you multiply the speed by a factor of 3, you can easily divide the range by 2).

According to a video posted before, there is a button (but not sure what for ?!) :


il y a 20 minutes, SMC a dit :

I really don't care that this scooter does not reach 100Km/h like others because I want to be light and have range. Don't wanna charge it every couple of days. Who has the scooter?. I want to have some pictures of it that i'm interested also about the thickness of the plates. PS me.

Nobody on the forum received it, it is stil difficult to obtain because the product is new. (And don't know if anyone already ordered it).

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On 26/4/2019 at 17:06, SMC said:

Aha, bueno, el enlace desde donde quiero comprar: . Es la versión 20Ah sin asiento ni equipaje trasero. Tengo que hablar con el vendedor para abordar estas cuestiones.

Hello SMC. I have already ordered from this seller. The price including 20AH Battery, shipping by train, customs taxes in EU (Spain), the seat and the rear baggage carrier was 1650 dollars. I bought it just 3 days ago so it has not be shipped yet.

It seems to be really interesting your proyect. Would you redo all existing cnc parts in carbon fiber? How will you do it?

I have been also thinking about doing a better battery to improve the range but firstly I wanna try how does the stock one works.

This is my first post on this forum so I take advantage of it and I say HELLO to everyone on this forum. Especially for all french colleague. My name is Salvador but people use to call me Salva, Im 30 years old and Im from the north of Spain. Nowadays Im owning a Mercane WideWheel (dual 13 ah) and a SpeedWay 3 (chinese copy). Im sorry for writing in english but my french is really bad.

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Le 26/04/2019 à 16:11, SMC a dit :

but for the first concept I will be using the Panasonic 18650 3.5Ah cells.

Hi, @SMC , are you sure that the removable enclosure contains a 16S10P configuration? If so, it's a good idea to replace the cells on the main pack... and make another 35 Ah battery carried on the luggage rack, and take it only if you have a very long trip, the exchange is wonderfully easy ... :) 

Welcome Salva,  it is brave (and a little risky) to buy this very new scooter, we count on you to detail all your remarks. Thank you in advance... the French expression is : "essuyer les plâtres" (wipe the plasters). ;) .

Modifié par Techos78
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  • 3 semaines après...

Hello. The removable enclosure has indeed 16S10P configuration just it has 2Ah chineese cells. I was also analizing the idea of changing the 160 cells with 21700 type cells in order to have a 70Ah battery split into two 35Ah (80 cells ) in the same space as the original battery with custom 3D plastic holders and integrated cooling. By doing this I can make a DIY mod to remove some of the steel shield in order to get half of the battery out when it is out of juice and have it recharged when sitting still with fast charging charger placed on the rack and the other way around for the other half..

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  • 2 semaines après...
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  • 7 mois après...

intéressé par ce modèle pour changer de la dt3, la conception , ou du moins l'organisation plus sérieuse à l'intérieur du deck me tente. Des infos sur le controleur? selon certains tests, c'est assez doux niveau accélération...

  Enfin, des retours sur l'autonomie avec la 20ah, prix des batteries additionnelles, v max, fiabilité, etc...?

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Ooouuufff.…..J'arrive à la fin de vos belles et instructives lignes!!!  (pour certains seulement , lol)

C'la fait un moment qu'on pouvait la voir en test sur YouTube: diverses versions, réaméliorée sur certains points d'après les quelques acquéreurs, et bien sûr, pas forcément aux goûts de chacun…..chose acceptable.

Etant débutant, si cette trott' était déjà commercialisée en France, elle pouvait être ma première source d'hésitation comparé à la 10X.

A voir:

Si son prix est aussi attirant que sa ressemblance vague à la Currus NF ….oooouuuuuiiii, j'aime bien le côté Eiffel  (?)

Si justement, toute cette armature est bien robuste, ou ça reste de l'alu mélangé à d' l'étain (?)

Certes, la visserie directement dans le métal est à contrôler, loctite, frein filet, ske vous voulez…….Mais des vis trop courtes, si les dires sont avérés….très peu pour moi ^^        Et, j'imagine bien que le deuxième accu avoisine les 400/500 boules…. (?)

Bon, qu'on continu la discussion, mais je n'ai pas le si en plus, si on finit par remarquer que la qualité n'y est  pas, ouuuuyooouuyyyyooouuuyyyyïï!!


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Il y a 1 heure, Kafouyaz Ilambe a dit :

je n'ai pas le si en plus, si on finit par remarquer que la qualité n'y est  pas,

2 moteurs de 1200W, 2 suspensions, 2 freins à disque, batterie amovible de 60V 20Ah, le tout pour moins de 2000€ chez Ali, ça me parait plutôt raisonnable (comparez à une monoroue), Minimotors ne serait'il pas nettement au-dessus pour l'équivalent? Les vis dans le métal, c'est mieux que dans le plastique, le frein filet est préférable: c'est une bonne occasion de faire connaissance avec la trott et de contrôler le serrage. Cela dit, acheter sans avoir lu le retour d'un seul utilisateur me parait un peu gonflé...surtout que voilà 2 ans qu'on parle de cette trott, il serait temps d'en voir un peu la couleur. Attendons...

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  • 3 semaines après...
  • 2 semaines après...
Le 12/03/2020 à 10:06, Jaypharrell a dit :

D'après certains retours sur reddit, les contrôleurs ne seraient pas des foudres de guerre, d'autres retours?


Salut Jay,

Je voulais te demander si tu avais déjà utilisé une Ninebot max G30 car j'ai vu que tu tétais pris une Widewheel Pro 2020  mais j'hésite grandement entre les deux.

La WW PRO aurait était top sans ses pneux pleins. Est-ce vraiment si désagréable que ça sur la WW car absolument toutes les reviews font remarqué qu'on sent tous les défauts de la route malgré les suspensions.


Sinon pour  750 balles et suite longue recherche , j'ai trouvé ça:

Deux moteurs de 600w avec batterie  correcte, suspension correcte aussi à l'avant et à l'arrière. Nouvelle fixation de potence.

Penses-tu que ça craint ce genre de trot

PS: je te suis sur Youtube avec l'ami Kramtoo, top vos vidéos.

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