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Hello guys.

First of all i am sorry for writing here in english language i am from Czech rep. and i am hopeless with my scooter. I cant find any other disc. forum in whole world. Hope you will understand me.

I bought UBGO simillar scooter - Chuanglu (Ultron) V9 scooter and my seller quit the business on alliexpress.

My controller broke up,  and now i cant find any compatible on the web. I contacted manufacturer of controller, search across all internet malls, try to contact people in Ultron groups - but nobody answered.

So i tried to contact KWK and they dont want me sell controller without motor. Daibot even do not want to sell any parts without buying original scooter first - same at Fineone store.

So i trying ask for help here. 

I searching for 48V 25A 1000W brushless motor controller with size (same as ubgo) that fit in my scooter.

I do not want to buy new motor+new controller+new speed meter KIT - its very expensive with the shipping included.

Can anyone help me ? Can anyone have any advice ? Anybody knows where to find this kind of controller or other compatible?

I will be very happy for any help and advice !





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can you share more information from your scooter ? 

Maybe you can send some pictures from 

• motor ? Is it dual motor scooter ?

• lcd 

maybe there is different technology on your scooter than the models sold by KWK. 

Lcd software or motor’s poles... 

What is the maximum voltage of your Battery ? 52V when battery full charge ?

In fact, there is many settings which can be different on different scooter brand. 

Last UBGO i did service, it was a connector from motor ( red circle on the picture) for hall effect i think... 

this is why, i think KWK ask you to order new lcd, new controller and new motor 


Modifié par Erwanrcx
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14 hours ago, Erwanrcx said:


can you share more information from your scooter ? 

Maybe you can send some pictures from 

• motor ? Is it dual motor scooter ?

• lcd 

maybe there is different technology on your scooter than the models sold by KWK. 

Lcd software or motor’s poles... 

What is the maximum voltage of your Battery ? 52V when battery full charge ?

In fact, there is many settings which can be different on different scooter brand. 

Last UBGO i did service, it was a connector from motor ( red circle on the picture) for hall effect i think... 

this is why, i think KWK ask you to order new lcd, new controller and new motor 


Oh, I found the difference - that wire in green circle is for ? I do not have this cable on my controller.


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Il y a 2 heures, GXM a dit :



Hi this green circle is used to connect front controler when using dual motor. 

Then you have same connector than the red circle ? 

In this case i can try to speak to Daisy at KWK smart life shop. 

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2 hours ago, Erwanrcx said:

Hi this green circle is used to connect front controler when using dual motor. 

Then you have same connector than the red circle ? 

In this case i can try to speak to Daisy at KWK smart life shop. 

Yes i do. Its same, but on KWK they selling only THIS 52V version ... or not ? Is 52V compatible with 48V motor ?

If you can try to speak witch Daisy, i will be very gratefull :) 

Modifié par GXM
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6 minutes ago, Erwanrcx said:

Problem is setting for low battery and his protection... If you are not using right value, you can destruct your battery. 

What is your charger Voltage ?

It is marked on battery too ... 

You can see in in photo lower - 54.6V 2A


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4 minutes ago, Erwanrcx said:

That’s right, let me check with Daisy. 

I think the best is changing controller and lcd. 

( maybe software is different, As there is many manufacturers for this UBGO model )

Thank you for your help.

So, you think that 52V controller will works with 48V motor ?

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Your battery is already 54,6V, not 48V. 

It’s 13S serial battery, ... 

new UBGO are 14S battery —> 58,8V 

that’s maybe the problem about Daisy speaking ...  And by this way i can’t have spares. 

In other way, maybe there is another solution. 

I will speak to KWK about it. 

I sent you PM 

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5 minutes ago, Erwanrcx said:

Your battery is already 54,6V, not 48V. 

It’s 13S serial battery, ... 

new UBGO are 14S battery —> 58,8V 

that’s maybe the problem about Daisy speaking ...  And by this way i can’t have spares. 

In other way, maybe there is another solution. 

I will speak to KWK about it. 

I sent you PM 

Oh, i though that battery output is 48V and charging voltage is 54,6V ... new UBGOs have 52V output, so 58,8V is charging voltage ... ? Maybe ? ... I do not know. 

If i need to change motor also, i should buy new scooter :D .

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I’m not sure if over-voltage is a big problem for the motor... 

Maybe it can be much nervous and powerful. 

But, the problem comes from battery and security for discharge. 52V controler will cut power before, then you will lost autonomy. 

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Le 07/12/2018 à 20:14, GXM a dit :

Hello guys.

First of all i am sorry for writing here in english language i am from Czech rep. and i am hopeless with my scooter. I cant find any other disc. forum in whole world. Hope you will understand me.

I bought UBGO simillar scooter - Chuanglu (Ultron) V9 scooter and my seller quit the business on alliexpress.

My controller broke up,  and now i cant find any compatible on the web. I contacted manufacturer of controller, search across all internet malls, try to contact people in Ultron groups - but nobody answered.

So i tried to contact KWK and they dont want me sell controller without motor. Daibot even do not want to sell any parts without buying original scooter first - same at Fineone store.

So i trying ask for help here. 

I searching for 48V 25A 1000W brushless motor controller with size (same as ubgo) that fit in my scooter.

I do not want to buy new motor+new controller+new speed meter KIT - its very expensive with the shipping included.

Can anyone help me ? Can anyone have any advice ? Anybody knows where to find this kind of controller or other compatible?

I will be very happy for any help and advice !



Hi you should look at this post where tiz2000 replaced his controller with a programmable one.


I think he bought this model but found it too powerful :

And says that this model should be enough :


Of cource lcd may not be compatible... but total LCD+trigger / controller cost could be under 60$ 

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  • 3 semaines après...

Hello guys.


The story is almost at the end - i have same controller from same scooter for 800W motor - i bought motor too. It using same lcd panel. The Daisy from KWK wheel helped me and find same parts.

BUT now i have problem that its not working - i think the problem should be in immobiliser. Scooter just do not start and alarm making wierd noise. 

Anybody knows how to programme it or how to disable it ?

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  • 11 mois après...

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